Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update 14 May

After 13 weeks, I had the second CT scan done yesterday, review with Dr. Kong was that the cancer tumors are STABLE. They have reduced from the first set of PET scan done on 18 Feb, best case 25% reducution. After 4 chemo cycle of aggressive cancer cell medication and Erbitux, we have concluded that we will not get more mileage from the Cisplatin+Gemzar and Erbitux. Option was to switch to less aggressive cancer medication by Oral or a second line chemo of Alimta. The oral medication will require daily tablet to be taken, with likely skin irritations. Alimta on the other hand is given as a 10 minute drip once in every 3 weeks (compared to the past 6 hours weekly), does not have the skin irritations like the oral nor hair loss(something I will touch on later). Yes, there is no 'limit' to the number of times you can get the Alimta dose, currently the moving record is 29 and counting with a current patient.

In the cancer world, Stable is a good thing. It tells you it is not getting worse!!
These words did not strike me till I had an SMS from my good old pal Tai Tee, who never fails to check with me after every session, he asked if stable is good? I replied yes stable is good. The cancer still limited to the lungs and did not spread to any other organs in the chest and abdomen, liver, stomach etc are clear.

We all agreed to start with Alimta, my first session was done this afternoon. It was a breeze, smaller needle and only 30 minutes in total (preparation and flushing of the tubes including waiting for the vein to clot where the IV was inserted). Will monitor for 2 cycles before we make any changes.

Glad that it is over with the weekly Erbitux doses, had a total of 6 weekly doses. The last 2 weeks, the Erbitus had acted up again. Instead of a fat red nose, the pimple outburst were in my head, it caused lots of irritation on the scalp and also fair amount of hair loss as the outbreaks were happening where the hair roots were. There are a few 'bare' spots, which I carefully brush the remaining hair over. Now I appreciate what the balding man that combs his hair from the back to the front feels. This is payback time for the times I commented on Bro. Philabert's crown and how he combed his hair when I was in Junior College. I look forward to my 'glorious' locks growing back.

The other good news is that I am included in the Conversion Experience Retreat for June 4 to 7. Had a call on Monday and a written confirmation today. Looking forward to the retreat at CSC. Mike Chua has been telling me how great an experience it was for him and promoted it everyone he knew. Must have been the grace of God that I managed to squeeze in this June session.

For everyone praying for me Thank You and God's Peace be with you. I can't wish you anything better. It was a bumpy ride the last 1 week, but I am glad that it is past and I start to feel more positive again.

Thank You Connie Shan and her family for the delicious beef rendang, shepherd pie and cheese pasta over the past 3 weeks.

I thank also my wife, Jo, for being there, trying her best to figure what to do with me and anticipating what I look forward to eating. I like her to look forward to better days....

Any red meat lovers out there; take it from me, after 13 weeks of two red meat meals a day, a steak is a steak, The meat will all taste the same however you season & cook it, whichever cut(sirloin, ribeye, tenderloin...) or type of cow (US black Angus, Australia Black Angus, Grass fed, Organic ...) you are eating.

Thank You and will post more updates...

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