Today's Gospel John 20: Jesus said to her, “Mary!”She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni,” which means Teacher.Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me,for I have not yet ascended to the Father.But go to my brothers and tell them,‘I am going to my Father and your Father,to my God and your God.’”
what a beautiful reminder that God is our Father!
Mary only needed to hear Jesus call her by name and she recognized that he was standing in front of her. How is Jesus calling out to you?
We are a post-Pentecost people, which means that he is calling you into ministry. Only after we recognize his call to ministry are we able to see what Jesus has been doing right there in front of us. We are healed of our pain, misery and loneliness not by sitting on our couches and complaining, but by DOing something with our pain that helps others heal. (This seems to be a secret that too little people know, but it should be a normal part of Christian living.)
In Matthew's account (see Matt. 28:1-10), the women were fearful until an angel said, "Don't be afraid!" and Jesus repeated the message. Fear keeps us from seeing Jesus and from realizing the plan of redemption that God's trying to reveal to us. Like he did for Jesus, the Father wants to redeem our crosses and destructions by transforming them into new lives that will reveal Jesus to others.
In Luke's account (see Luke 24:1-8), angels said to the women, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead?" We fail to see Jesus whenever we focus on what's going wrong. Only when we stop clinging to our limited and self-centered perceptions can we notice that God is leading us into a victorious future.
This is affirmation for Jo and myself to share and journey with others in pain and confused to where is God. We were unsure what to say or what to do when we met with Daniel on Good Friday, last night Fr Andrew asked us to join the cancer support gathering to share our journey. The gathering left with this request " speak Lord your servant is listening" what is God calling you to do? Today's Bible passage and the reflection anwers what we have been asking ourselves and to take the step forward.
Happy Easter everyone.
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