Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday - 17 Feb 2010

Ash Wednesday - How healing will your Lent be this year? (from Good News Ministry)
To experience the joy and power of resurrection, we have to experience the power of mourning and repentance. We have to experience the powerlessness of death: the death of our selfishness, the death of our worldliness, the death of behaviors that are not Christ-like.
In today's first reading, God beckons: "Return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning." Fasting is worthwhile only if it improves our self-discipline so that we can resist sin and grow in holiness. We're hypocrites, like Jesus describes in today's Gospel reading, if fasting produces no inner changes

What are you going to do for Lent that will promote greater holiness? Here's a suggestion: Identify one fault — just one for starters — and choose an activity or an abstinence for the duration of Lent that will help you overcome this behavior.

Looking forward to Easter. I have been doing well. The constant coughing has stopped since Christmas day. Praise the Lord. Taking the daily Iressa tablet at 10am, no side effects other than a few acnes, most of them has 'sprouted' on my head hidden from sight by my hair. Will visit Dr. Kong in mid March for blood test and xray, the last review was in Jan and was very hopeful. Before Chinese New Year, had an ultrasound of my kidneys done, concern by Dr. Kong due to the consistent high creatinine level, but everything is normal and well. Went to see Damien Png, reviewed the pictures and he said things are ok, whom I have not seen for a very long time. Looks like God is getting me to catch-up with old school friends, like Tai Tee, Chuan Huat, Alphonsus, Euan, Victor Lye, Damien, David Tan.

For those celebrating the Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fatt Choy. Till my next update, have a meaningful time with your loved ones!

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