Saturday, June 20, 2009


looking back over the past 18 weeks, when I read today's refection, it reminded of me and that the cancer has made me realise that what God has always asked me to Trust in Him and build relationship with Him and those around me, specially my family. Can't say that I am glad for the cancer but it has been about reassessing my life and made me realise what is important in life. I hope that others will realise this and work on their relationships. It is not the money or high grades in exams but how you build God's kingdom here around you.

Extract from the Jesuit and Shalom;
In today’s Gospel, Jesus felt compelled to stay behind to listen and teach the Teachers of the Temple. His parents could not comprehend that Jesus had to fulfil His Father’s Will.

We are each challenged to be receptive to the Father’s Will and Providence.

After several years in the pursuit of money, perhaps we are gradually coming to realise that happiness does not lie in material possessions or in all the things that money can buy. As Jesus says, life is more than lots of food and the body is more than wearing the latest fashions. It might not seem very practical for us to look at the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. But there is one lesson we can learn from them. They live in full harmony with their environment. They live with and in it and not off it.
Our problem is that we are too focused on our own individual needs. And we think that more is better.

What Jesus is urging is that we live the life of the Kingdom — a life of love and sharing. A life where everyone is concerned with the needs of everyone else. And when everyone gives, everyone gets.And we are not to be full of worry. Worry is about a future which does not exist. If we focus on today, tomorrow will be taken care of when it comes. So, instead of just looking at our own wants, let us rather look out at the needs of each other. When we all do that, all are taken care of.

Lord, we need You. It is You who said, ‘Man does not live on bread alone.’

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