Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pete has gone to the Lord

Pete was called to Eternal Rest this morning. Please pray for his soul.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Doctor has called us

This morning the doctor checked Pete and asked that we be with Pete. His eyes are dilated, they have taken off the drip and now given a slow dispensing medication to control the phlegm. His heart however is pumping very well and pulse is very strong. Please pray for Pete to return peacefully to the Lord. Thank you for your prayers and love for Pete and us, his family. Thank you for journeying with us and for being our saints and angels in our time of testing.

Friday, December 24, 2010

No change in Pete's condition

Pete is still not able to swallow, the nurses have instructed us not to feed him lest he chokes. His fever is still there.
When there is no fever, he looks very comfortable and peaceful. He is not under any pain killers and not in pain. I thank God for taking the pain away.
I want to thank and praise Almighty God for the Gift of Pete to us. He had been a doting father, a loving and supportive husband, a loyal and caring friend, a true and faithful servant of the Lord. He gave his all and his best even when he was coughing and breathless, bravely taking on the role of prayer warrior to pray for others when he was home bound, the
list goes on. I am so proud of my husband!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pete is still drowsy

In the last 2 days, Pete has been awake only for short periods, about 10-15 minutes and we try to feed him as much liquids as we can. However, his swallowing muscles seem to be getting weaker and he chokes often on the liquids even when we make it thick.

This morning, I was not too successful in feeding him and I pray that he will be more awake later on.

We have been so busy with Pete that we have almost forgotten that
we will be celebrating the Gift of Christ to us at Christmas.

We wish everyone the Peace and Joy of the Child Jesus. May we always treasure this Gift and be Jesus to the people God had put in our paths.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pete started to drink and swallow again!

Dear Prayer Warriors
Thank you for storming heaven with your prayers. God had heard our prayers and Pete started to drink and was able to swallow honey water and Milo. Praise the Lord! He started last night and this morning I was able to give him about 30 ml of beverage. We continued this eith honey throughout the day. We don't want to overload him and are cautious not to choke him. He is able to open wide both eyes and friends from CPS came to pray over him.
Special thanks to Br Jude for coming to pray with us too. Alicia & Kar Seng, thank you for journeying with me. Ann & Andrew for coming by and for asking the Carmelite Sisters to pray for Pete.

We are very encouraged by your support and love for Pete and the Family. Your prayers give us strength and peace. Thank you Holy Spirit Cancer Support group; especially Vivien & Ronnie, Joseph & Ivy, Adrian & Kelly and Sr Angeline.

God bless all of you. Please continue to pray for us.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pete is getting weaker

Dear Prayer Warriors
please pray for Pete, this morning, we were not able to wake him up for breakfast. He is very weak. Still waiting for him to wake up for food.
Last night he was able to eat well and nodded when Nicole, our daughter showed him the present she had bought for him. She also had a musical Christmas card for him, he must have been pleased.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pete is stable

Dear friends
Pete developed a fever and has been put on antibiotics.

He has been eating less, swallowing muscles not too good now. His diet is pureed food, water has to be thickened so he does not choke.
He doesn't have much energy and finds it hard to stay awake.

Today, he kept awake for his friends and boss from Dell but soon grew tired.

Nurses and Doctors here keep him comfortable and I am grateful to them.
We continue to trust in God knowing that He will take care of Pete and the family. We thank you for your prayers, love and support. We want to record our thanks to Alicia and Kar Seng who constantly provide me with medical advice and support.

We thank the visitors who came tonight, sorry we missed you,Randal and Kelly,Pat and Rebecca. We had come home early since Pete sleeps a lot earlier these days.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thank you Saints n Angels

Dear Saints n Angels
we thank you for your continued prayers, love and encouragement for us.
Pete was really encouraged over the weekend, he was awake longer and attempted to eat a little more. He was, of course, pampered by the variety; from chicken pie to sesame and almond paste to muffins and shephard's pie. To those who brought all those goodies, thank you. Pete sampled a bite of it!
Thank you to our dearest families in the FLM for the poster, Pete spent a good deal of time reading all the messages. To the Pilgrims, CTK Charismatic group, Raymond and Juliana, the many friends who came to give support, thank you.
Today, Pete developed a fever, doctor may start antibiotics tomorrow.

The in-house physiotherapist came by today and encouraged Pete to sit up. Pete managed to do so for a few minutes without support. Tomorrow, we will look forward to more exercise at the gym. We pray that Pete will benefit from the exercise and thus improve his morale.

Special thanks to FLM families who have scheduled a food catering service for our family. We are truly grateful n touched.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pete is quiet today

Dear Friends
thank you for your prayers for Pete and the family.

Pete is alert today but did not say much. He is well aware of everything but I guess does not have the energy to talk.
He did not eat much today though. The Physiotherapist came today, Ms Law Bing Bing, a gift to us, she made Pete smile and I am sure he enjoyed the session.
Thanks (Dr) Mike Chua for coming as doctor and priest, your presence made Pete smile as well.
Thanks to Sr Angeline and Ramona who fed Pete today.

Please continue to pray for us, especially Gerard, Brian and Nicole

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pete is comfortable at Assisi Hospice

Dear Prayer Warriors
thank you for your prayers, Pete is in good hands and getting tender loving care from the nurses at Assisi Hospice. He has a single room and is very comfortable there. The sisters and nurses check on him often and he is fed.Thanks Sr Angeline and nurse Linda for feeding Pete his meals. He is eating well, a little more alert and responsive to us. Today, he is able to keep awake longer too. The doctors have put him on IV sodium drip since yesterday's sodium level had dropped to 126.

Please continue to support us in prayer. If you want to visit, we request that you be totally well because he is still very weak and cannot afford to catch any bug. Pete is still drowsy and may not be awake during your visit. We ask for your understanding.

As In today's gospel reading, we believe that " with God, nothing is impossible but may Your Will be done."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Please pray for Pete

The Hospice nurse and Social Worker came to access Pete, they feel his condition has worsened and it will be Increasingly challenging to care for him at home. He is unable to communicate his needs and his movements are not co-ordinated. He is also not lucid and very drowsy .
We have decided that Assisi Hospice will be able to care for him better than I can for the next few days. Hopefully, with physiotherapy and constant monitoring from the doctors and nurses, Pete will be able to get better rest and recover.

Please pray that we have made the right decision.

Please pray... We think Pete is slipping into a depression

Pete has refused to talk these 3 days, barely a few words, he uses his eyes And head to communicate. Has no more strength to move and can't balance himself either.

Asked him if he was worried about the shunt and the MRSA infection, he nodded. He thinks we would have to remove it and won't register the good news that I have been giving him about his blood tests and cancer markers. He ate well last night at Oasis, Taiwan porridge. However, he won't record and register anything I have said about getting well.
I am really lost, he is too heavy and I cannot lift him. Dr Kong wants me to take him in for a CT scan if he doesn't improve. Please pray for the Lord's healing on Pete on the areas he needs most. I am not sure if he really had no strength because he body has gone through a lot and needs time to recover or if he is really in depression.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cancer markers are down to 7.4!

Despite the Pete's lethargy, the blood tests results are good. Sodium has climbed one point to 129, glucose, which was high is coming down, best of all cancer markers have fallen to 7.4 from 14! I am thrilled! Praise and thanks be to God for our miracle!
I had to tell Pete that over and over again the good news last night. Thankfully, he ate half a bowl
of porridge for lunch, courtesy of Vivien and Ronnie, who came to our rescue yesterday.
Dinner, he asked for fried rice. Since the nurse recommended a high salt diet, we bought salted fish fried rice! He ate half a bowl again with some beef and soup.
We suspect Pete is worried about the infection and is worried about it, he may even be slipping into a depression. Please pray that he will be ok.
Thank you once again to ALL for supporting us in so many ways. I want to record my gratitude to Joseph and Adrian from Church of Holy Spirit for braving the rain yesterday and going out of their way to deliver a bed to accomodate Pete's needs.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Appointment with Dr Ho was good

Dear Prayer Warriors
Thank you for supporting us yet again. The appointment with Dr Ho was good, He reviewed Pete and though Pete was tired, he was able to answer Dr Ho questions. Dr Ho does not think we need to worry about Pete's drowsiness. He does not Pete had any of the symptoms of a bad infection. Anyway, Pete already being covered by antibiotics. However, we did do a blood test to confirm if Pete's sodium level is low.

Results came back at 3pm, Dr Ho says Pete's sodium is 128, which is indeed low but not alarmingly low. Nonetheless, we started Pete on sodium chloride tablets.
We had a scare when we returned from the Dr and could not arouse him. He did not look and sound well this morning, he has not spoken, barely a few words even at Dr Ho. He seemed to have lost his energy and balance too. It had been difficult to move him from chair to bed. After the sodium tablets, he seemed slightly better though his energy has not returned. We are now giving him nutritional supplement drink.

Please pray that the sodium tablets will be able to turn him around otherwise we will
have to give him an IV drip at home. Please also pray for us, we have to remain strong for him.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Please continue to pray for Pete

I am happy to update that Pete has been well, no fever nor vomiting. He has been sleeping lots though.

This morning, he wanted to go out to Shunfu Mart so that he could have his coffee. He has not eaten much, small meals and then off to bed again.

We ask that you continue to pray for him to be covered by the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you again to food angels, Vivien and Nancy!
Thank you my dear cousin Catherine for a listening ear and for the practical help of offering to spring clean my house!
Thanks Mike and Gillian for bringing Jesus to Pete in Holy Communion.

Please also remember me in your prayers, have been feeling pretty rotten. Gerard, our son is done with National Service tomorrow! Yeah!!! He has been very caring to me in my darkest moments.