Friday, October 29, 2010

Pray with us :Lord, In Your Will is our peace!

By his blood and through the Holy Spirit, Christ offered his own self to the Father to purify us from the works of death.
Let us worship him in all sincerity:
– Lord, in your will is our peace.
Your goodness has given us the beginning of a new day:
  give us also the beginning of a new life.
– Lord, in your will is our peace.
You created everything and by your providence you keep it in being:
  may we discern your handiwork in every created thing.
– Lord, in your will is our peace.
With your blood you sealed the new and everlasting covenant:
  may we keep our side of the bargain by following your precepts.
– Lord, in your will is our peace.

Pete is out from Lumbar puncture

Pete is out from the procedure. He says Dr Ho is good and he barely felt any pain. He even used the smallest needle to lessen the discomfort. Pete is resting now, managed to eat a slice of bread with Milo.

Dr Ho wants to monitor him for about 4 hours and if Pete does not experience any headache, he will be discharged.
Dr Ho says the fluid looks clear so he does not think there is any infection. However the pressure in the brain is high so there is a blockage which means the excess fluid needs to be drained. He is reluctant to do any implant now because he wants to wait to confirm that there isn't any infection at all.

Once again, we would have to make decisions soon. We ask that you pray for us and with us to ask the Lord God Almighty to show us clearly what to do. We pray for complete trust in the Lord. He alone knows what is best. He alone is Lord over us!
Results will probably be out Tuesday.

Please continue to pray for Pete.

Please pray that results will be good

Dear prayer warriors
Pete did a MRI yesterday and results show that there is more fluid in the brain ventricles than previous scans. This could be due to blockage because of cancer cells, infection or a side effect of radiotherapy. Pete will have to go through a procedure, the lumbar puncture today, a day surgery procedure to draw out fluid for testing.

Please storm heaven once again to ask the Lord for mercy. Please pray that all will
be well. What ever hapens the Lord God Almighty is in control, He is in charge and may His will be done. We ask for strength, trust and hope in the God who created us and loves us He gave us His Son.

May the Lord cover Pete with His precious blood!

The procedure is 8.30am

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pete is vomitting again

Yesterday, Pete went to the office about noon. Since he had a late breakfast, he did not have his lunch. After his meeting and lots of visitors, he was probably tired and hungry but did not get a chance to eat. He vomitted in the office and has been in much pain since. Last night he was also vomitting several times, no dinner. Please pray for him. We are waiting to see Dr Kong at novena this morning.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pete has been well, Praise the Lord!

Apologies for not updating.

Pete has been well these few days. Slowly but surely, he is getting better, eating a little more and is more alert. It is by the Grace of God that Pete is gaining strength, it is the strength of God that has covered him.

Yesterday, he made it to work for a few hours!! He sat on a wheel chair and was welcomed by his colleagues and bosses. I thank and praise God for his bosses who have been supportive of him all this time.

His energy level is also high and we even made it to Thomson Plaza for lunch after that. However, he experienced some pain so we can home fast. In the night we were able to take a stroll in the park and did some light exercise for the legs.

Today, we stayed home so as not to tax his body further but Pete was able to work from home. He is intending to go into office as he has a couple of meetings to attend.

We thank you for your continued prayers! Praise be to God for answering our prayers.
The night before, the Lord reminded me of His Word and I was consoled and reassured in Psalm 91

You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust."
God will rescue you from the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague,
Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge; God's faithfulness is a protecting shield.
You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,
Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.
Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.
You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see.
You have the LORD for your refuge; you have made the Most High your stronghold.
No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.
3 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.
With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.
Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.
All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.
With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pete is better

Dear Prayer Warriors
thanks for your prayers again!
After the vomitting in the morning yesterday, no more pain and vomitting.
Pete slept much and had chicken essence for lunch. For dinner, he had macaroni with chicken soup. He managed to finish three quarters i
of a bowl, quite good considering he has not been eating well. Over dinner, we had the company of Eileen, Mike and Gillian.

Last night, we also had a visit from Fr T, Henry & Martha and Angie. It was good just catching up. Pete had a restful night last night.

Pete is well today.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pete cannot make it for work today

Does not look like Pete can the office today. He threw up again last night because we were trying to bring down the steroids to 0.5 mg in the evening dose, also had to take pain killers. This morning he was in pain and vomitted again. He is sleeping now, not much energy. Please pray for him.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Visits to the doctors went well

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Pete recovery. The visits to all doctors went well. Dr Lee is happy that Pete is doing well, even made a comment that his left eye is improving. Dr Lee is a Christian and we always come away with a warm feeling that the Lord is in control. Next we saw Dr Lam who informed us that the blood tests results are good and Pete should be well. She thinks the wound may be slow in healing because of the radiotherapy. Dr Kong says all is stable and Pete will continue on the Iressa.

We praise and thank God the Almighty for His Mercy and Healing. We thank Him for the people whom He has sent to offer help, encouragement and support. Today, we met Jestine, the cashier at the Radio Oncology clinic who noticed that she could help us reduce our bill by claiming from Medisave and Medishield if the Radiotherapy was taken as outpatient and not part of the hospitalization bill. It is more work for her yet she offered to help me. God bless her!

Yesterday, we had our October Rosary in our home. We had a full house as the neighbours surprised us with their presence. We are deeply touched by all we came and prayed with us.
Today, another angel Angeline went out of her way for me so that Pete can have his Immunocal tomorrow. Other angels are Pete's personal nurse Eileen, has been coming everyday to clean his wound and Mike, our dear brother in law, who has been bringing Holy Communion for Pete.

Please continue to pray for Pete as he makes his visit to the office tomorrow. May the Lord grant him strength. I will be with him. Please also pray for Pete's appetite to improve so that he can make a speedy recovery.

R. (see 3) You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
God indeed is my savior;
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salvation.
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement;
let this be known throughout all the earth.
Shout with exultation, O city of Zion,
for great in your midst
is the Holy One of Israel!
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.

R. (see 3) You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
God indeed is my savior;
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salvation.
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement;
let this be known throughout all the earth.
Shout with exultation, O city of Zion,
for great in your midst
is the Holy One of Israel!
R. You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pete is doing much better

Alleluia, Today is the Day of the Lord.

Pete has been doing much better since the Antibiotics. Fever is gone and the pain too. We praise and thank God for his mercies and grace. The Almighty One is God indeed, He has blessed us with so many people, YOU, saints and angels to us and to Pete. We are indeed grateful to God for showing us HIs love through all of you.

Firstly, you are our prayer community and you have not given up, you have interceeded for Pete all these months and especially through this period of trial. I know many of you read the blog and in your different ways you have made an impact in our lives through your prayers for us. I cannot account for how I have managed these agonising days when he was in hospital and even when he was out, how Pete was in and out of hospital, how I am still 'alive and going'. The only answer is YOUR PRAYERS for us. Yes, truly, I have said it before and I am saying it again, I have felt the effect of your prayers working in me, without them, I would not be able to care for Pete. I also thank God for our son, Brian, who has been so helpful in all areas. He has been night nurse, handy man, cook,standy for me,always at the call of his father. In fact Pete remarked 2 nights ago that his night male nurse is better than me, he takes temperature and BP for him and I just sleep and only help with with drink and toilet. Please remember Brian in your prayers too.
I want to thank all who have given us words of encouragement and nourished us with the Word of God, I may not have responded individually but yes, I have been encouraged and absorbed. I want to acknowledge all who have prayed but not called me because you understand that I cannot answer your calls.

We made it for 7am Mass again this morning, Pete had a bowl of mee sua and then we had to rush home because of the rain.

Please continue to pray for Pete recovery and for the Lord to bless him with healing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pete's fever and pain is gone!

Just thought I would update all before you go to bed. Pete managed to walk out and sit at the dining table for Eileen to change his dressing. Eileen says the wound is better than last night, still a little pus but more blood, which according to the nurse is a good sign.
Pete's fever and pain is gone and no vomitting too. He was able to eat a banana and drink lots of h20.
Once again we thank all for your intercession and prayers for us. May the Lord grant all a restful night.

Steroids or not?

Dear Prayers Warriors
When we saw Dr Ho, the neurosurgeon before he went on leave, he advised us to tamper down the steroids. Pete had been on 2mgtwice a day but Dr Ho instructed us to bring it down ad fast as possible. So Pete been on 0.5mg twice a day for 2 days already. This morning, I gave Pete his 0.5mg but in the afternoon he was experiencing great pain in his tail bone, I had no choice but give him 1mg instead of the 0.5mg which Dr Ho suggested. His pain was so bad he also asked for pain killers and he had started to vomit again this afternoon. He also had fever of 38 degrees this afternoon.
Please pray that I am doing the right thing and that his vomitting and pain will stop. Because of the vomitting, he had not eaten at all except for a few teaspoons of porridge.
Please support us with your prayers tonight. God bless.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pete has got the MRSA bug again

We saw the Infectious Disease Doctor today and was told the culture final results show that the wound does have the MRSA bug.
Dr Lam prescribed an antibiotic Zyvox to tackle the bug. Pete will
be on it for 7 days starting today.

We see all 3 doctors: Dr Lee, radiotherapy oncologist, Dr Kong, onco and Dr Lam, all on 20 Oct.
Please pray that Pete will response well to the antibiotics and be on the road to recovery, now that we know which bug is troubling him.

We are relieved that Pete does not have to be admitted.

All praise and glory to Our God.
Special thanks to Mike and Gillian who have been bringing Holy Communion to Pete all this while. Also thanks to Eileen who has been coming to dress Pete's wound despite her busy schedule, also to Norbet who drives her.
Thanks Angie for your help in providing the transport, my dear cousins, Cat & Murthi, Bert& Kath and Ramona for their endless support, my dear sister, Jean for visiting, the food people; Connie, Susana, Winston and Dorothy and The FLM group at Holy Spirit.

We thank God nightly for you and your generosity, we also thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Going home to monitor

Dear Prayer Warriors
we have just seen Dr Ho, the neurosurgeon. He took a sample of the pus and we will have the results soon. Meantime, we are tampering off the steroids and the bp medication to aid in the healing of the wound. Dr Ho is not too worried about the pus, there is just a little. The fever could be due to many things, even death of tumour. So please pray that the tumours are eradicated, we can take the fever. Last 2 days, Pete has been well despite the 38 degree fever.

Thank you for all your prayers. We praise and thank God for His mercy and healing!

Fever is up and down

Dear Prayer Warriors
Pete's fever came down yesterday with panadol but was up again last night. We gave him panadol only at 5am. Fever is down again.

Will call Dr Wong again this morning to ask for advice. Please pray that Pete does not have to be admitted again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More prayers needed

Dear Prayer Warriors
Pete had been doing well, eating a little more, and sitting up more. Yesterday, with help from our dear friend Alicia, he was able to sit up and clear some email, though not all.

However, last night, we found some pus from his head wound, where the Omaya had been removed. It was worrying as he was also running a fever. After panadol, fever subsided.

Now, however, fever is up again, 38.2. Please pray that it is just a superficial infection and that the fever will subside soon.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pete is eating a little more

Dear Prayer Warriors
Pete is doing well. Last night, he got up and walked to the dining table for dinner. He Finished three quarters of a bowl of kway teow soup. Then he stayed around to enjoy fruits from the fruit basket, compliments of Euan and family.

We talked and even prayed the rosary for all who have helped us in so many different ways and for Nicole who is sitting for PSLE now. After that he stayed to watch TV. He had a restful sleep.

This morning, he had to have his favourite coffee at Shunfu Mart so we went there. Our favourite Char Siew Rice stall was happy to see him back but refused to give him too much char siew. He only finished half of his noodles and 3 pieces of char siew. Nonetheless, Brian and I are happy that he is in better spirits. He sat and watched TV for a long while before walking on his own back to bed.

As usual, he is taking his afternoon nap without his lunch.
We praise and thank God for his mercy and healing.

Please continue to pray that :
-the Iressa, the oral tablet for the lung tumour, continues to remain effective in shrinking the tumour.
- that the radiotherapy is very effective in controlling the leptomenigeal disease
- that Pete regains his strength fast so that he can go back to work.
Pete has indicated that there are things he needs to settle at work. Going back to work will
boost his self esteem and confidence too.

Thank you and God bless all of you

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Alleluia! CT scan shows lung tumour is stable

Pete did a CT scan before he was discharged this morning and Dr Kong just called to say that the scan shows no spread to other organs. Lung tumour is stable. This is great news! Conclusion is that the raised cancer markers were due to the brain. We have just finished the radiotherapy and Dr Lee, the radiotherapy oncologist will review Pete on 20 Oct.

Thank you so much Prayer Warriors and ALL who have helped us in so many different ways, from food to transport, to offering endless Masses, to abstaining from visiting and just storming heaven. Pete and I and the children thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

I know many have indicated that you would like to visit, we ask that you give us some time to allow him to rest. He has been sleeping much since the radiotherapy. We thank you for your understanding.

Once again we give praise and thanks to God, the Almighty who can do great things! Please continue to pray for us, especially our daughter,Nicole who is sitting for her PSLE now. She has been left on her own when Pete was not well, it has been a month.

Pete will be discharged today

Thanks for all your prayers. Pete just had his last radiotherapy session today and is doing CT now. He will also go home today. Please pray that he will have a speedy recovery. God bless all of you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fever has come down

Fever has subsided as of now,in fact started coming down as soon as medication was given. Brian has just SMS to say that temperature is 36.5 and blood pressure is very good. Please continue to pray.

Pete is admitted again

Please storm heaven again, pete is running a fever and we brought him in. Dr Kong suggested we monitor him for a few days since the fever is 38.6. Please pray that it is nothing serious.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pete was at Murthi's Rite of Acceptance

Pete had been lying in bed all Friday and Saturday, he had been sleeping lots and is so tired and lethargic, he wants his meals in the room.

Last night, my cousin Catherine came to inform Pete that her husband, Murthi would be taking his Rite of Acceptance for the RCIA process. He was delighted and it was the best news he had received for a long time. He asked me three times what time the ceremony would be and was sure he was going to attend despite the fact that he had not eaten much at all these last 2 days. I was nervous because I would be alone with him,; Brian was going for the Triathlon.

This morning, he was unable to wake up for 7am Mass but when I asked him if he was serious in going for Murthi's Rite of Acceptance, he got up immediately.

After much waiting, we made it to Novena Church at 10.45am. Pete sat through the whole ceremony, absorbing the Readings and the entire procedure with his eyes closed. Many times, he nodded and it was as though he was going through the ceremony himself. We even made it through lunch. This is the first time in many days that Pete has been out so long and eaten a reasonable lot, considering that he had barely eaten these few days.

I praise and thank God for the opportunity for Pete to witness Murthi's Rite of Acceptance. It was a beautiful ceremony and I am sure Pete treasured every moment of it. He told Murthi he had waited for this for a very long time.

In today's reading Timothy says " God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of Power". May God the Almighty fill each of us with His Power so that we can do wonderful things for Him and His Kingdom.

Please pray with me this prayer for Pete:" Father, break off the hold fear has in my life.Plant your love in my heart instead. I want to be a vessel of your Grace and Power today".( Taken from Word Among Us)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank you for your prayers again !

Dear Prayer Warriors
thank you for storming heaven yet another time. After a scare at about 2 am this morning in which Pete did not respond to me, Brian, took over and tried to make his father respond to him. He was able to squeeze Brian's hand and shake his head.
Thankfully, he was able to get up for toilet and to sip many sips of H2O. H2O contains sodium and electrolytes.

This morning Pete did not get up till 9 and was able to hold some bread and oats. Brian also bought his favourite coffee. Pete had the 7th session of radiotherapy. I think it does wear him out but at least he is eating today.

This afternoon we were blessed to have friends from CPS, Edmund, Eunice and Christian visit and pray over Pete. He received Holy Communion and was anointed with the relic of St Therese of the Child Jesus, whose feast day we celebrate today! Christian said it is not a coincidence that they have come today. Yes, indeed! The Lord chooses his day and time, all for the Glory of His Name! St Therese, pray for us.

We thank you for your unceasing prayers for Pete and us, his family too. Gillian my dear sister bought satay for Pete. You should have seen the look on his face when he put the satay in his mouth and said 'hmmmm'.
Thank you Eiileen, for taking over these 2 days so I can catch a few hours of sleep.

We thank and praise God for the many blessings He has sent to us in the form you, our prayer community, the generosity of friends and neighbours, everyone who has supported us is prayer. God bless you