Monday, March 29, 2010

Luke 22:31-34

Luke 22:
31 10 11 "Simon, Simon, behold Satan has demanded to sift all of you like wheat,
32 but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers."
33 He said to him, "Lord, I am prepared to go to prison and to die with you."
34 But he replied, "I tell you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know me."

This was part of last Sunday's Gospel, Jo and I looked at each other when this was read. Honestly both of us could not recall ever reading verse 31 and 32 before. But what a beautiful reminder for all of us to turn back and that He has prayed for us to have the strength to turn back and strengthen our brothers.

following up from the initial post, I got this from today's 30 Mar reflection from the Jesuit's Shalom reflection; I found it complementing and most appropriate...

A sad moment in the Gospel: a double betrayal. First, that of Judas. Judas is no outsider but one of the inner circle of the Twelve. Jesus announces solemnly: “One of you is going to hand me over.” The statement comes like a bombshell. For all their weaknesses, they cannot imagine any one of them planning such a thing. Jesus hands over the morsel to Judas, a symbol of sharing. This is an act of friendship which makes the coming betrayal doubly treacherous. The bitterness of the morsel is also significant. As soon as he has left, it is no wonder that the evangelist comments:“Night had fallen.” Yes indeed. It was a moment of utter darkness.
Now Peter, well-meaning but weak, swears that he will go all the way with Jesus, even to death. It is the second betrayal. Worse in some ways. At least Judas made no wild promises. What will save Peter will be the depth of his repentance and later conversion. We too have betrayed Jesus and those around us so many times.
We have broken bread with Jesus in the Eucharist and then turned our back on him by the way we treat those around us. We have promised at confession with his help never to sin again and then gone and done what we have just confessed. Let us pray that we, like Peter, may weep bitterly for all the wrongs we have done and all the good left undone.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do you want to be well? John5:6

Today's Gospel Jn. 5:1-16 and reflection made me think. Jesus is the master of asking the obvious!

He goes to the pool and One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years.When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him,“Do you want to be well?”

If I read this reading 2 years ago (before mid-2007), to me it would be that God can heal. It would be more of mind than heart. I can say then, that I believe in God in my head but not yet in my heart. I had not discovered or spend enough time to seek Him and know Him as a person, as a Father. The pilgrimage in 2007 started me seeking and wanting to know God as my Father in my heart not only my head.
Ask me today, I will say that God Can Heal both spiritually and physically. He has been by my side and asking me this question. He has sent angels and saints to support me, He has sent doctors to treat, He has provided the money for the treatments, He has provided the spiritual food and strength to believe and trust in Him, He has put my spouse and family to be there with me. Do I want to be well? Am I grateful ? Yes! I want to be well and Yes! I am grateful.
What about you?
Today's reading, Jesus was probing the man's heart. Interestingly, the man didn't answer the question. He complained about not having anyone help him into the water. Jesus cured the man and told him to go home. The man did not know his heart well enough to know what he really wanted in life. Was the man grateful for the healing?

Around the pool are large numbers of people — blind, lame and paralysed. These are the ailments that we Christians often suffer from: blindness, we cannot see where Jesus is leading us; lameness and paralysis, perhaps we can see but have difficulty walking or even moving along Christ’s Way. During this Lenten season let us hear Jesus asking us the question he puts to the man: “Do you want to be well again? Do you want to be made whole again?” Jesus wastes no time. “Rise up! Pick up your sleeping-mat and walk.” The man is immediately cured and walks away. Again we have in the words of Jesus the intimation of resurrection to new life of which Jesus is the Source: “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Later, Jesus and the man meet in the Temple.The man is told to complete his experience of healing by abandoning a life of sin, bringing body and spirit into full harmony and wholeness. This is not to say that Jesus is implying that the man had been a cripple because of his sin. But what he is saying is that physical wholeness needs to be matched by spiritual wholeness, the wholeness of the complete person.
Take time next week to be healed, make use of the sacrament of reconciliation that will be held in preparation for Easter, our resurrection from the dead.

Friday, March 12, 2010

12 Mar 2010

I can only Thank God for the improvement and for his grace that he has surrounded me with your faith and prayers.

Yesterday afternoon I visited Dr. Kong. The blood test showed very good reduction in the CEA markers, dropped from 19.4 to 8.5 between Jan and Mar 2010. The X-ray report from the lab said there was slight reduction in the tumor compared with the Jan x-ray, however Dr Kong and us were delighted when we saw the actual x-ray ! There was good reduction in the cancer tumors when we compared the x-rays. When I figure out how to get a picture of the x-ray done, I will show you side-by-side the xray of Mar 2009 & 2010. This was the first time we could see a more significant amount of black portions on my lung x-ray.

Before we looked at the x-ray, Dr Kong said that the x-ray will normally lag behind the CEA markers to see reduction in tumors. When the tumor dies, it will leave behind a scar in the lung, this scar will show up in the x-ray. Therefore we were all very happy to see the reduction in the tumors showing up in the x-ray.

Will continue with Iressa (daily oral tablet, started taking since 12 Dec 2009), and my review with Dr. Kong is in 2 months. Next appointment is 13 May, will do blood test, x-ray and ultrasound scan of abdomen on 12 May morning.

I can only Thank God for the healing and sustenance. I have learnt that only have to keep my Trust in God, for His grace and providence. It always bring tears to my eyes, when I look back at the past 13 months, how much love He has shown me, how much he has provided for me and family. Honestly last Feb, I did not know how we were going to pay for the medical bills and we left it to God, trusting in Him and letting Him lead. I can only say now, I am in awe of his greatness and providence.

I trust in God that He will continue to heal me and guide me, I ask for your prayers to keep in true to this and not let doubt or fear come to steal this. I am also very much in love and grateful for my spouse whom God has also given to me and my family. I include today's Gospel, what can I say or need I say anything...

Mk 12:28-34
One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him,“Which is the first of all the commandments?”Jesus replied, “The first is this:Hear, O Israel!The Lord our God is Lord alone!You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this:You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Praise the Lord! Trust the Lord, Do not doubt that God wants to heal me.

This was the input from the last 2 night Charistmatic Healing session by Bob Canton. Last night he touched on some pointer how we can hold on to the healing received;
- Give Testimony of healing to all that will listen
- Lead a holy life
- Focus on the healer and the healing
- Don't talk about the sickenss all the time
- Close the door to doubt
- Find a Scripture passage and own it, make it yours (John 11:4 is my message)
- Seal the healing with the blood of Jesus
- Avail to the sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist
- Surround with people who will build up your faith (Thank You my wife and faith community)
- Take care of your body
- Close the door to fear and anxiety

Took my blood test yesterday, the cancer marker CEA reading is 8.5, the lowest level in the past year. I will hold on to the healing and close the door of doubt. Thank you for all your prayers. Will update after my appointment tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pride and expectations

How much what Naaman said reflect what I am thinking these days!

The prophet sent him the message:
“Go and wash seven times in the Jordan,
and your flesh will heal, and you will be clean.”
But Naaman went away angry, saying,“I thought that he would surely come out and stand there to invoke the LORD his God,and would move his hand over the spot,
and thus cure the leprosy.

Observe the behavior of the leper Naaman. God gave him the healing he asked for, but at first Naaman didn't believe it because it was offered in an unexpected way.
Usually, when we think that God has abandoned us, what's really happened is that he's not giving us what we want the way we want it!
To see what God is doing and to receive everything that he wants to give us, we have to first get rid of our expectations. When dealing with God, we should expect the unexpected!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

next review - 11 March

It's been 2 months since the last blood test and X-ray. Besides taking the daily tablet at 10am, I have actually felt like a normal person. I pray that the tests this week will continue to be positive. I ask for yor prayers. will give you an update after the review this week. God Bless and be with each of us.

True Friends

Had lunch with a bunch of guys this week. We have known each other since 15 years old. (Actually I have known some of them much longer) We were all prefects and had such good times. Interesting that we could still be such good friends and able to connect after so many years. Guess that is what true friends really are. We may not be always in touch but we are true and honest with each other. They know who I am talking about. I am really touched that when one of you asked about having lunch everyone just locked on a date and kept it free, even cancel last minute work meetings! There was one old friend we all missed this week and I do hope that he would come join us the next time. I really enjoyed lunch this week!!! Maybe the next one will be a Peking duck one...;) even if it was over a cup of teh-tarek, I would not miss the fun. Thanks Guys....